Aesop: In His 3rd Millenium
A Guide to this Site

Theme ~ Moral ~ Fable & its Number


A Guide to this Site | Did Aesop Exist? | I. The Lion and The Mouse | II. The Scorpion and The Ladybug | III. The Dog in the Manger | IV. The Ants and The Grasshopper | V. The Frog and the Chrysalis | VI. Hercules and The Carter | VII. The Fox and his Tale | VIII. An Elephant, A Bear, and a Katydid | IX. The Spider, the Cockerel, the Sheep, and the Ram | X. The Farmer and the Snake | XI. The Lion, The Fox, and the Ass | XII. The Dog, the Cat, and the Bear | XIII. The Ship and the Whale | XIV. The Duckling, the Hawk, and the Mallard

About Beauty

About Complacency

About Courage

About False Witness

About Gratitude

About Ideals

About Integrity

About Kindness

About Loyalty

About Maliciousness

About Perseverence

About Retribution

About Wisdom

"It is the beauty beneath the surface that matters."

"Practice random acts of kindness" for "senseless acts of beauty."

"Courage is confronting one's fears. The greatest Courage is holding to our Convictions and Dreams."

"Those who bear False Witness should be wary of Cockerels."

"A Snake in the Grass will be a Snake in your bosom."

"Ideals are like the stars. Seek them."

"One will be true only to his own Nature."

"There is but one aristocracy: the aristocracy of those who are kind."

"Loyalty is the sum of Faith, Hope, Love, and thereby is the greatest of all Virtues."

"Unpleasantness boomerangs upon those who embrace Schadenfreude."

"The gods help those who help themselves."

"Beware the Retribution of the gods."

"Learn from others' mistakes; you will make fewer of your own."

V. The Frog and the Chrysalis

IV. The Ants and the Grasshopper

XIV. The Duckling and the Mallard

IX. The Spider, the Cockeral, the Sheep, and the Ram

X. The Farmer and the Snake

XII. The Ship and the Whale

II. The Scorpion and the Ladybug

I. The Lion and the Mouse

VIII. The Elephant and the Katydid

III. The Dog in the Manger

VI. Hercules and the Carter

VII. The Fox and His Tale

XI. The Lion, the Fox, and an Ass

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